Thursday, September 08, 2005

Chocolate Kiss

It was probably nostalgia and fuzzy memories that I (along with hordes of UP alumni) hold Chocolate Kiss (restaurant and bakeshop) in high esteem. So a soon-to-open sign along Roces Ave. was greeted with great anticipation.

I was quick to try out their cake offerings; I would have liked to say that everything (and I tried almost everything) was superb, but I would have been insincere. The truth was Chocolate Kiss was best left a (good/hazy) memory.

The dayap chiffon cake was a study in contrast, a bland cake matched with a bitter dayap filling (due likely to an overzealous zester), topped with an abominable and oversweet boiled white icing (the icing made of whipped egg white and powdered sugar or sugar syrup, more often seen on children's birthday cakes). This icing must be a house specialty as this also tops the Devil's Chocolate Cake (dry, dense and bland). The Kahlua Butter Cake and the carrot cake were forgettable. The Prune Cake was passable, but I do have a soft spot for pruney cakes in general.

All in all, i wouldn't go out of my way to eat cake at Chocolate Kiss Roces. BTW, coffee was swill.


SugarCocoon said...

I love Chocolate Kiss. Such a treat when I was a U.P. student!

Anonymous said...

i love choco kiss!! fave ko devil's food cake!